Hellosh! Howdy!

My name is
George. I am a
Lynx. I have two younger brothers, Arthur and Henry. I am a recent graduate from
Brighton University, Since graduating I have been writing a children's book called
Track the progress of The Snynx Project on:
I dream of changing peoples lives through stories told
imaginatively with powerful metaphors for the
future of our species and
planet. I am a mindful
positron, making my way through the galaxy of sonic particles spreading my knowledge, happiness and joy.
My strengths are my vision, compassion and dogged determination... my family knows me as a dreamer and my university saw me as a person with
vision and a genuine innocence to change perceptions of art and life. This grew from my final project in university where i built several den structures on the streets of Brighton, temporary shelters for
homeless and street walkers.
Construction from
George Hayford-Taylor on
It was a struggle against police and local authorities, I even built the mothership on my roof in the middle of the pavilion gardens; with intentions of making it the centre of operations and creative workshops. Landlords soon intervened siting it as a health and safety risk. This project now continues in a festival format where i can use
Sunrise festival as a sketchbook for future
'Transient Temples'.
For hobbies I practise Yoga, Meditation, Read, Write poetry, Paint and Draw.
I have a particular affinity with street art and interventions. I first discovered this world of street expression when i stumbled upon a man named Tomasso, conducting a project called Ludistan: Urban games for the street mischief. It was a project for his masters in Anthropology where he had gathered a following like the pied piper walking the streets finding willing people to help him turn the streets into a colourful joyful experience with home-made instruments and it all culminated by painting a bus stop as a tropical island. Tomasso was arrested, so the team gathered at the seafront making much noise and music... eventually Tomasso was freed!

(The Lynx encounters activism, Brighton.)